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Published on : August 8, 2019
notary-public-for-wills-burnaby-coquitlam-uptown-notaries   For many Canadians, it’s easy to put creating a will on the backburner. After all, no one really wants to think about the "end.” But if you don’t want the government making decisions about your assets when you die, it might be time to put preparing a will on your to-do list.  Here are the top reasons why you need to make a will with a Notary Public in Burnaby.

Appoint a Guardian for Your Children

As a parent, you know what is best for your children. But if you pass away without a will, the courts will decide who takes custody of your kids. Don’t leave the care of your children in the hands of outside parties. Having an updated will ensures the guardian of your choice will care for them if both you and your partner die.


Decide Who Gets Your Assets

You’ve work hard for your property and possessions. So, you’ll obviously want to make sure your assets go to the right people when you pass away. Without a will, you run the risk of your assets going to undeserving people or even the government. Working with a notary public in Burnaby will guarantee your real estate, savings, and precious belongings go to your loved ones.


Protect Your Business

You’ve spent countless hours building a successful company—a business that your family, employees, and co-owners rely on. When you have a will, you ensure your company gets passed on to the people that matter most.


Assign an Executor

Having a Will means you get to appoint an executor to carry out your final wishes. Without one, a court will appoint someone to handle funeral arrangements and estate administration details. If you want to eliminate the confusion and ensure your wishes are properly followed, speak to a professional notary.
Provide for Your Charity
For many people, giving to their favourite charity is extremely important. With a notarized will, you can rest assured knowing your assets are going to a good cause, promising you can still give of yourself even after you are gone.

Losing a loved one is hard enough without having to stress over the details. Having a last will and testament in place will ensure your family and friends won’t have to worry about the red tape during this difficult time.

Here at Uptown Notaries, we work closely with you to prepare a will that reflects your needs, protecting your family, assets, and business. For a professional Notary Public for Wills in Burnaby or Coquitlam contact us today!